29 Is Just Fine

  Dress: Forever21 // Sandals: Forever 21 (similar) // Earrings: Wal-Mart (similar here and here) // Necklace: old // Bangles (similar) // Watch and Cuff set: Wal-Mart (similar watch, cuff) // Owl Ring: Wal-Mart (similar

Hello dear readers. I know it's been almost a month since I last posted. A lot has been going on. The number one thing is that I'm on the lookout for a a new job, because that's what you gotta do when your store is closing. Yes, the store is closing and it wasn't a big shock. I guess you could say that it was inevitable. I guess, I just didn't think it would be this soon. We were told on May 2nd and it was like a jab to the heart. It makes me feel as if every ounce of work I had poured into this store for the past 3 years were of no value. And I understand why we're closing. It's hard to be competitive when you're located in a mostly abandoned shopping center and a sparkly new one has just gone up right across the street, not to mention that we are surrounded by six other pharmacies.

So as today is my birthday, marking me yet another year older, I'm going to look back on the past three years and learn. Maybe my store closing is the kick in the pants that I needed to set me off on my true career path. I mean when I first came to this store, I was trying to find a management job (for full time hours) while still in school, since I was only seasonal at my previous job and had been let go. At the time it was a saving grace, because this girl needed to pay bills. My intention was to stay until about six months after I graduated. I never intended to be there this long, and now were closing, on my 3 year anniversary no less. I've gotten to know the regulars and I honestly am going to miss them. As we are letting our customers know whats going on, they all seem so saddened by it. I have regulars exclaiming, "I'm going to miss you girls" and "what am I going to do without seeing you guys everyday." We literally have customers that just come to talk to us and barely ever buy anything.

 In all honesty, these past few years have been rough on me. Not just financially, but emotionally. From losing a promising career, to losing something you though would last a lifetime, it's been a roller-coaster ride. But as I look at the present, I have to be truly grateful. I have good health, people who love me, a pup I adore, and a certain someone whom cares deeply (although I wanna strangle him sometimes, LOL). I have to just look at this as another chapter in my life that must close. I must embark on a new one. I hope you all didn't mind this long post, I just wanted to share why I haven't really been blogging lately. Have a lovely day dolls!

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