Winding Down From Summer

Top: Forever21 (old, similar) // Shorts: Old Navy (old, similar) / Boots: similar //  Bag: Wal-Mart (similar) // Necklace: Icings (old)  // Belt: Claire's (old) // Ring: Claire's (old, cute option) // Watch: old, similar here and here

Hello loves. I'm extremely sorry that I've been away so long, and that my blog posts have been spotty. I'll fill you in on what's been going on. To start, my laptop completely went wonkers on me. I would be in the middle of editing photos or surfing the net and it would just shut off. At the moment I wasn't in a position where I could buy a new one. So we sold somethings and now I have a new laptop. I'll maybe attempt to repair my old laptop so I'll have back up if such a thing happens again. #2 The boyfriend and I have been trying to find a new place to live. I've been at my little apartment for the past 5 years and we'd been thinking that it was time to move on. This is my very first home I had on my own and it's bittersweet to move. I love the layout and the space of my 684 sq ft apartment, but it's more important to give Marley (my pup) a yard to play in and have a home that's not connected to so many people. (Just to let you know, we weren't looking to buy, just rent.) But there have been so many obstacles. The biggest one is the no pets rule. We would find a place that was gorgeous, in the right neighborhood, and within our budget, but didn't allow pets.  This search has been so exhausting and has taken up all of September. Honestly between that and work, I've just been too tired to post to the blog. Seriously everyday, before and after work we've been driving around different neighborhoods looking for " For Rent" signs, calling numbers, and going back and forth with people about their terms. I took these pictures in mid-September with every intention to post. As stated above, it just got pushed to the side. That's how much time this search has taken up. 

So on another note. The weather here is not fall like yet, but it has definitely cooled down. Normally we don't get a temp drop until 2nd week of October, but we have gladly welcomed the early change. Believe me when I say that everybody has been waiting for this. Thanks for stopping by and reading this long post. I'm not sure if I'll be back on a regular schedule soon, but I'll definitely try. Thanks again.

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